LinkedIn For Local Business

If you own a small or medium-sized business, you need to be a part of one of the fastest-growing and dynamic social arenas at LinkedIn. Here are a few statistics:

  • LinkedIn is ranked in the top 20 globally and in the top 10 in the U.S. on Alexa.
  • There are already over one million business profiles registered.
  • Receives over four million hits on their website every day.
  • One new member is signing up on LinkedIn every 2 seconds.
  • Over 800 professional groups are formed on LinkedIn every day.

And much, much more. LinkedIn is the largest professional network on the planet and it is growing bigger every day. More exposure, more opportunities, and a higher average income; all of these things spell opportunity for your business.

1. An Optimized Profile: This pre-­sells your clients and gets you exposure in the search results.

2. A LinkedIn Group: This is the most powerful way for you to develop pre-­?qualified leads.

3. A Deep Network: LinkedIn only gives you access to the people you know, and 3 levels down.  Without a deep network,you will not be able to find anyone,and no one will be able to find
you. Find more prospects,be found more often.

LinkedIn Local Marketing | Custom Fit Marketing

A LinkedIn profile is similar to having a profile on Facebook. The layout is important .On the surface it can tend to look like your resume. There are many people on LinkedIn looking for new jobs, and in that case
making your profile a great resume is what you want. But we
as  business owners are looking to sell our business. As I said in the last section,you need to start thinking of your profile not as a resume, but as a type of sales page for your business.

The Key to Inviting People To Your Group:

Individually invite ­targeted prospects to your group via email on LinkedIn-­There is no way to mass invite people into your group,you will need to do the invites one by one.
You can freely email anyone you share a group with-­You can’t just email anyone,you have to be connected,or share a group with them.This is why you want to join groups that they are a member of.
Join Groups that have your target audience-­now you will have an unlimited number of prospects to invite into your funnel. You can join up to 50 groups and you need to utilize all 50.

Getting set up so that you can maximize exposure and opportunity is also a part of Social Media Marketing. In today’s marketplace it makes sense to partner with experts who can help you grow your business, not working on the computer all day. Call us. We can help.