What is mobile marketing? Promoting your business on mobile devices could open up new opportunities. With all of the different ways to promote your business via mobile marketing, it’s probably difficult for you to figure out where you should start. Use the tips in this article to get started.

QR codes are a smart way to provide interactive content to your customers. Using QR codes lets your customers get instant access to special offers, discounts, and coupons. They are quite user friendly and simple to capture on cell phone. QR codes allow immediate interaction with your customers.

TIP! Have a clear strategy and goals when you venture into mobile marketing. When starting off, figure out what your goals are and how you can apply them to mobile marketing.

You can reward loyal customers and even chase new ones by delivering coupons through Multimedia Messaging Services. When you send out messages which include coupon codes. A tracking code can be added and linked to your mobile-friendly website. Both new and old customers respond well to coupons.

Don’t share short codes; buy dedicated ones. It will likely cost you a couple thousand dollars to do so, but it will be directly connected to your brand. Sooner or later people will recognize your short code and link it to your company. The price is more than justified because it allows you to sidestep costly legal battles. You could be liable for the abuses of a code sharing company.

TIP! Look into designing a mobile app yourself. Customers can use the app to conveniently keep tabs on possible sales and special offers.

You should always listen to the people around you to see what is missing from your mobile campaign. Figure out what customers need, and fill that need. See how your rival’s site looks on a mobile device and use good ideas that they have implemented.

Mobile marketing should focus on retaining existing customers instead of gaining new ones. Existing customers are more likely to positively receive text messages and promotional updates. You will find that more often than not, people will regard mobile marketing efforts to be spam.

TIP! If you want to be able to send out effective emails, make sure they are mobile friendly. Set it up so that your customers can click directly on your phone numbers rather than a link, and make sure if you do have links to other pages, that they are set up for mobile devices as well.

Any mobile marketing oriented call-to-action needs to be simple and easy to facilitate. It is much easier to fill out a lengthy form on a PC than it is to do so on a small, limited smartphone keypad. Your potential customers should be able to subscribe to your email list in a just a few seconds. Remember that you only need a name and an email address.

Emphasize the access to special deals and the potential savings when you are soliciting subscriptions to your mobile marketing campaign. Mention it in other ads, on your website and on social networks. If your campaign is perceived as helpful, many people will sign up. Plenty of people will opt in to a program that offers easy, fun access to valuable special offers.

TIP! Cross-platform compatibility is essential in attracting more customers when taking on a mobile marketing campaign. It has to work on the most popular platforms, or you could lose customers due to technical problems.

Enhance your mobile marketing website by optimizing it for the search engine crawlers. Streamline your mobile website, and use mobile specific SEO techniques. Get advice from Google and other mobile marketers.

Examine what techniques your competitors are using via mobile marketing. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter. To truly gain an edge, you need to make your campaign or site stand out from all of your competitors.

TIP! Try to limit your offers to only the very best. If your customers receive too many texts that are not of value to them, then they will feel like they are being spammed and are unlikely to unsubscribe from the service.

Think about creating an application for smartphones that is related to your business. Applications that gives people tips and tricks are very popular. To get more sales from your app, put in links to any related products/services, alternatively, you can make some money by selling the app itself.

Use a short code that is dedicated. You will pay more, but your brand will be protected. It can also provide you with some level of legal coverage.

TIP! Run a picture-to-screen campaign. Campaigns that use the picture-to-screen method enable customers to take pictures using their mobile phones.

Learn as much as possible about your customers. Analyze your target demographics and know what they like before you start sinking dollars into a mobile marketing campaign. Find out how much your customers use their cell phones. What type of OS is on their mobile device? Find out as much as you can so you can make a better connection with your audience.

Don’t send out text message alerts or messages in the early morning or late night hours. No matter how loyal the customer is, or how exciting the promo, they will not be happy about receiving a text at an odd hour.

TIP! Promote your mobile call to action to maximize the success of your campaign. Utilize sites like Twitter and Facebook, as well as your own store front to promote your mobile marketing plan.

If you are sending out a mobile marketing message you should try to include a fun promo offer. Customers love discounts, and they will want to visit your site to find out more.

Never forfeit quality for speed in your marketing efforts. Always present polished material that is relevant to your audience. Remember that everything you do has a purpose, so don’t get caught up in the adrenaline of using mobile marketing. Offer your customers relevant, pertinent information they can use. If you give them what they desire, they will patronize your business more frequently.

TIP! If you put maps that are friendly to mobile phones on your site, you can attract local visitors. They will allow your potential customers to find your location easily when they are searching for your store.

If you are willing to invest money in your mobile marketing campaign, you can effectively optimize your site. Creating an attractive and appealing mobile site can be incredibly difficult. If possible, this job should be handed over to qualified, experienced professionals.

Make sure that your mobile marketing efforts work across all of the potential platforms your customers will use. Your messages should work on all mobile devices no matter the platform. It’s much easier to make your messages simpler rather than custom-fitting your messages onto different platforms. You want to keep it as simple as possible when you’re designing your campaign.

TIP! People looking at your website on their mobiles will not have the same ease of access as computer users. If you are going to engage in mobile marketing, then your ads and other marketing materials need to be totally accessible on mobile devices.

Marketing Campaign

If you use social media networking to help market your business, make sure you include the link on your site. Your customers are more prone to taking some time to check into you when you’re on a site, as opposed to just searching for you on their own.

TIP! You should elevate your presence on the top social networking services. This will help people finding your business.

If you are going to incorporate SMS into your mobile marketing campaign, provide your visitors with an opt-in method, and be upfront about how many texts they can expect to receive every month. If done without regard to the correct guidelines, SMS can have a negative impact on the overall marketing campaign because it will have the imposition of notification systems. It can seem like you are being pushy. So make sure you opt customers into receiving your SMS marketing and stand by a maximum amount of texts you will ever send in a month. If you are trying to get customers to trust you, just be honest!

Do not send pointless messages to your customers. You should only message them with useful information. Random messages can annoy people and reflect poorly on your business. You will actually lose customers if your messages aren’t advantageous to them. Your customers expect useful information from you, not the sort of funny texts a friend would send them.


Present part of your campaign as a quizzes or as trivia games. This strategy makes your mobile marketing efforts more fun for your customers. Many people will answer quiz questions that they get on their phone via text message. Use this effective strategy to gather feedback from consumers, as well as provide them with a source of entertainment.

To have a successful standalone mobile platform, you must have a home base. Focus your efforts on creating a mobile presence that brings new visitors to your domain and connecting with existing visitors. Your business should not rely on a mobile platform alone.

TIP! Be sure that your campaign for mobile marketing can be compatible with multiple platforms. You have to take all different kinds of devices from random phones into account when developing your strategy.

Do a test on usability. Make sure your customers can look at the things you have sent them. If this task will be a great burden, see if you can enlist the assistance of friends, co-workers and family to test the various components of your mobile website their their device.

Do not send offers too often. The highest results come from messages that are sent a few times a month. Your audience should feel like they are missing on a great deal if they don’t go to your store right away. If a customer thinks they can just wait for next week’s offer, they are unlikely to act.


Mobile Marketing


Mobile marketing is complex, and you should take the time to learn more about it. If you ask five businesspeople what mobile marketing is, you’ll get six different answers. One marketing technique may work for one business, but it may be useless to another. Use the tips from this article to start experimenting and find your own marketing success.